2017 UYScutix Revolution

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The UYScutix Revolution was a campaign against the server's administration over the course of the 2017 in a bid for more democracy, the removal of a developer, and ultimately control over the server. It was spearheaded by UYScutix/VJ, a former Senior Admin who grew sick of the server's administration and had such bad blood with management and developers that it ultimately resulted in his indefinite suspension and ban from the server. The movement severely divided the admin team as many chose between supporting his cause and supporting his rivals. Its collapse, which was caused by a group of three people, led to one of the biggest suspension waves in the server's history.


Mark ran TotalFreedom with an iron fist, and this is one of many factors that caused the revolution in the first place.

The revolution's roots began in early 2016 as a combination of multiple factors: community-wide resentment towards a certain administrator, unrest with management at the time, an increasingly problematic American former staff member, and an unstable British former staff member.

Community-wide unrest with management became more prevalent in late 2016, notably after Mark attempted to introduce the OPWatch program, which intended to give operators (including former admins) a special secret security-related rank that only Mark and a select few executives knew about. The program was hugely unpopular. Furthermore, many didn't like how Mark would dismiss public criticisms as "nasty drama", which only furthered the growing resentment towards him at the time. All of this culminated with multiple staff members resigning in protest. Mark responded by banning several who he said were "causing drama" from every platform he had administrative control over for at least a week. Because of his way of running the server with an iron fist, many viewed him as a tyrant.

Marco was an Italian staff member who was highly controversial in the community. He was fiercely criticized for a variety of things: using macros to administrate, having fully-fledged bots that almost fully automated his administrative duties, having an inflated ego, repeatedly violating the Identity Policy, and otherwise acting foolishly. Some members of the community even felt that he was being protected by Mark himself, and this wasn't without merit. The server's owner at the time, markbyron, refused to remove him despite his flaws and continued to defend him every step of the way, even after people attempted to vote him off on 4 different occasions.

Savnith was an American former Telnet Admin with an increasingly problematic history. Many knew him to work like clockwork, as he'd apologize for his actions, then regain everyone's trust, then completely ruin it by doing something stupid. Over time, people really started to get sick of this pattern, and eventually he had to resort to returning under new identities in order to keep playing on the server. He became increasingly problematic in 2017, which resulted in retaliation that started the beginning of the revolution.

VJ was a British staff member with an unstable history. At the peak of his career, he was a Senior Admin. After resigning sometime in early 2015 (allegedly due to disputes with other staff members), he went on to attack the server and its staff members with a group of other rogue staff members named DDOXYZ. In a lot of ways, he was like Savnith: constantly getting himself into trouble and then begging for more chances. After several failed attempts to return to the server under various identities, he decided come back to the server one more time in late 2016 as UYScutix.