2017 UYScutix Revolution

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The UYScutix Revolution was a campaign against the server's administration over the course of the 2017 in a bid for more democracy, the removal of a developer, and ultimately control over the server. It was spearheaded by UYScutix/VJ, a former Senior Admin who grew sick of the server's administration and had such bad blood with management and developers that it ultimately resulted in his indefinite suspension and ban from the server. The movement severely divided the admin team as many chose between supporting his cause and supporting his rivals. Its collapse, which was caused by a group of three people, led to one of the biggest suspension waves in the server's history.


Mark ran TotalFreedom with an iron fist, and this is one of many factors that caused the revolution in the first place.

The revolution's roots began in early 2016 as a combination of multiple factors which ultimately boiled down to unrest with management at the time.

A major contributor to the unrest was management handled public outcry and unpopular decisions. Starting in late 2016, people became increasingly irritated with markbyron's tendency to dismiss public outcry as "nasty drama". A notable case was when several admins resigned in protest after he introduced a controversial program (which gave specific players a special secret rank that only him and a few other executives knew about). He responded by banning those involved from every platform he had control over for at least a week. People were also becoming increasingly frustrated with his tendency to be too forgiving, often allowing known rogue players back on the server under new identities or not removing problematic staff members even after attempting to vote them off several times.

Another major contributor was VJ himself. He had an unstable history and possibly an untreated mental illness. Having joined in late 2013 and becoming an admin in early 2014, he had resigned in early 2015 due to disputes with other staff members and began to attach the server and its staff with a group of other rogue staff members named DDOXYZ. After attempting to return to the server under different identities, he came back for one final time with the name UYScutix. Some players still didn't trust him and viewed him as unnecessarily strict and hugely hypocritical whenever he complained about other people's pasts.