Executive corruption under the Seth administration

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During the Seth administration, corruption manifested in the server's Executive team which compromised the integrity of the entire staff team and following a series of scandals in early 2020, led to reforms intended to combat corruption in the ranks and the formation of Internal Affairs. Most of the well-known corruption was perpetrated by Smartn't, a friend group consisting of many elite staff members that were friends with Seth and were thus able to gain massive amounts of influence within the community. This influence allowed them to cover up abuse perpetrated by their friends, bully undesirable or eccentric players out of the community, or gerrymander voting processes to favor themselves and others.


Smartn't's control over the community gained traction starting with Seth's successful bid for ownership of the community in February 2019, peaked with Robin's appointment as the server's Co-Owner in January 2020, and sharply declined following a series of scandals exposed jointly in April 2020 by former Executive Admin Officer RealZaid, then-retired Senior Admin videogamesm12, and then-resigned Senior Admin _PHR.


Silent Removals

Members of Smartn't were directly involved in Telnet Admin Gray_Seal's sudden disappearance in June 2019.

Election Gerrymandering


Abuse Cover-ups



On January 13, 2020, Telnet Admin supernt created a thread in the forum's General Discussion board titled "insanity" which accused an anonymous group of staff members (who were then revealed to be saturnturn, AwesomePinch, Zaid, and Bremda) of "ruthlessly" bullying both players and high-ranking administrators a few nights prior and called for Seth to suspend them.


The positives of Seth's administration are hugely overshadowed by the large amount of Executive-level corruption (enabled by a comparatively informal method of governing the server and community) which manifested throughout the entirety of his administration.